Sunday, January 21, 2007

Operation Blessing

there was an email sent last week to all nurses asking for volunteers for "new orleans recovery week". this is in conjunction with "operation blessing" - an international aid organization. all those interested had to apply right away and then would be notified by last friday if you were "invited". i was amazed to recieve the email friday afternoon that i was invited to go. i thought for sure i'd be overlooked since i've only been a nurse for two years. they were looking for cardiac and endocrine specialties - i think my float experience to the cardiac and medical icus may have just helped!

as of today, i have no idea what we'll be doing exactly. there is a schedule of a "typical day" which seems to go from 6:30am-6:30pm, with a mre for lunch. the "mennonite ladies" make breakfast and dinner. i know we'll be sleeping in cots at the operation blessing command center, and i know what flights i'm on, but that's about it. we have a meeting on wednesday for all who are going where we get fit-tested for tb masks, and they said we'd be provided more info at that time. i'm excited to see who else is going and if i'll know anyone else.

the only thing i can count on at this point is that it will prove to be an amazing experience. i plan to give updates whenever i can.

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