Friday, May 18, 2007

the mind boggles

could there possibly be more options for general baby care items? i'm trying to work on a budget, just to get an idea of how much money we're going to need for the ol' start up costs, and i'm going to beat my head on the desk. first off, i don't do well with options. one of the reasons why in 'n out burger is one of my favorite eating establishments, the menu consists of: the burger and the cheeseburger. oh and fries. ah simplicity. . .anyway, i'm trying to work the consumer reports route, just to trim down the herd. but with most items, they don't even know what to tell you - ". . .it's basically your preference" - well if i knew what that was, these decisions wouldn't be an issue; however, i happen to be one of the least informed/knowledgeable pregnant females this side of the mississippi. and i do REALLY mean that. when your husband has to tutor you on your own fertility cycle, you know things are bad.

anyway, so far i've narrowed it down to one stroller. which from what i can glean from the lousy description, can also double as a car seat - god help us when we have to figure that one out. that's all i got so far. according to my check list, i only have about 20 more "things" to get.

Friday, May 11, 2007

1st appt. with Midwife

Very uneventful appt. which is just fine with me. They have a fabulous clinic over there, and I am both relieved and excited to have a midwife - they are fully on board with the birth that I want and put me at ease.
She tried to ascultate fetal heart sounds, but we didn't have any luck, so she did a portable sonogram to for reassurance. We saw the heart flutter and we saw it jump around and move. I know this picture isn't the best, but you can make it out. You can see it's little arms and legs too!
Next appt. is in June. :-)

Friday, May 04, 2007

No Longer an Embryo. . .

It's now a FETUS.

For those of you who don't know already, I'm 11 weeks pregnant. . .I can hear the gasps of horror. I know, it's truly unbelievable. . .I have to remind myself occasionally that I'm supposed to provide for someone other than myself in less than nine months. I guess more like seven months? I go from stages of being totally elated to being completely terrified. Which I hear is thankfully normal.

I was extremely thankful that I didn't have loads of nausea and vomiting in the first couple months. I did have nausea, and still do, but nothing like what I assumed I was destined for since my mother had morning/afternoon/night sickness. So far so good. We go for our first appointment with the midwife on Tuesday and I'm once again excited and terrified. I think being a nurse has put me in the position of knowing just enough to be dangerous. I know just how many things can go wrong between now and delivery, and it amazes me that there are as many babies coming out with all of it's parts and pieces as there are. I mean, it's a freakishly alien process. Just crazy.

So, I couldn't NOT blog about this anymore, so this is my first. There really isn't much to describe though. My belly has actually popped a bit, but I believe I had a little head start in that department pre-pregnancy. I can be ravenously hungry, nauseous and bloated all in a matter of three minutes. I'm sad some days, can't stop smiling others. Oh, and I'm basically back in adolescence as far as the acne goes. That's great fun. A little blast from the past. Kent and I will gladly accept all the good vibes that you want to send because we're gonna need it!