Friday, May 11, 2007

1st appt. with Midwife

Very uneventful appt. which is just fine with me. They have a fabulous clinic over there, and I am both relieved and excited to have a midwife - they are fully on board with the birth that I want and put me at ease.
She tried to ascultate fetal heart sounds, but we didn't have any luck, so she did a portable sonogram to for reassurance. We saw the heart flutter and we saw it jump around and move. I know this picture isn't the best, but you can make it out. You can see it's little arms and legs too!
Next appt. is in June. :-)

1 comment:

koo' said...

ooooooooooooooooooooooh its real. i'm so excited. good vibes from AFRIKA. can we hang out this summer? perhaps dee will drive us up to rochester?