Friday, September 07, 2007

Yellow Cake and Chocolate Icing

28 weeks and counting! Things are moving right along and we're getting more and more excited. I have realized in the last week that my sweet-factor has jumped off the scales. I CRAVE sweets. I mean, I've always liked sweets as much as the next guy but never CRAVED them. Like I can't live without them. I ate a Twix bar for the first time in about 14 years yesterday and I cannot tell you the euphoria then ensued. I told Kent that I'd "split" it with him when I bought it in the check out line, and subsequently apologized after the first cookie was down because there was no way he was going to pry that second cookie outta my hand.

On the same Target run I purchased a Better Homes and Gardens with the exclusive topic of Halloween. I'm not usually a big Halloween gal but this year it's all I can think about. I mean I bought BETTER HOMES AND GARDENS HALLOWEEN SPECIAL EDITION. I think today I figured out why. IT'S ALL PICTURES OF HALLOWEEN SNACKS! Ghoulish Goodies, Spooktacular Cupcakes, Pumpkin Cakes, Skeleton Cookies. . .what the heck has happened to me? Is 20 pounds not enough? I've got three more months to go, I can't be piling on the cake now! I'll be 2 hundo before I know it! Halloween is just a big excuse for me to chow this year. Granted it is the leading event of fall, my favorite season. . .cool air, the smell of dried leaves, football, chili; but I'm pretty sure the leading factor is the SWEETS.

So other than this most recent craving discovery, things are going very well. Ankles are swelling, heartburn is flaring and naps are just a routine part of the day. He moves around like an contortionist acrobat and uses my bladder as a treadmill. My nose has become very attuned to musty odors and I can't stand hearing people chew and smack while eating (probably just envious because they're eating and I'm not) or the taste of powdered eggs (just about the only thing I won't eat right now). But I won't complain. . .I'm ecstatic about having a baby and will take what comes with it. I'm extremely fortunate to have this wonderfully amazing husband who tolerates my irrationally crabby times with grace and welcomes me home with massages and pampering. "Honey, can you bring me ________", "Honey, can you grab _____ while you're up?", "Honey, can you ____________" the list goes on and on. He deserves a yellow cake with chocolate icing. And maybe I'll have slice. . .or two.


Anonymous said...

Okay, I have the same cravings and demands on my husband but no pregnancy...what's my excuse!?!?

You make being pregnant look really good. Last time I saw you, you looked beautiful!

koo' said...

fantastic! eat! eat! who gives a crap? i you want it, you need it. right?

jerry... ha ha you cant fool me ... thats why you got married so much quicker than first planned!

here's to a straktosphereic babyboom!