Sunday, February 11, 2007

Another Reason to Hate the Bears

You CAN'T be serious. . .


vagus said...

at the risk of sounding thick, I don't quite understand the implication.
and they say physicians are smart? :P

koo' said...

wow, some stoopid sports fans... :-(

glas your on The Inter Web tho

Weidenfartz said...

that is incredibly horrible. you would think that he would have ONE friend who would say, "hey that may be a bad idea...." i guess we all aren't that lucky.

Marsrover said...

4nOcean: Warmly welcomed to This Marsrover, remotely, belatedly. Will add your blog to my list posthaste.

Also, I will be in your neighborhood this spring for a bit of the old scalpel, clamp, snip-n-stitch. Yummy.

Anonymous said...

And now I'm reading that sign. I lack the words to describe the thrashing that guy needs.