Sunday, February 25, 2007


"Turn and face the strain". . .

Ok, although this blog was raised in Louisiana, it's time for a return back to Minnesota. And what better time than in the middle of a blizzard? I can honestly say I've never been in a blizzard before. I believe there was one in Ohio in '78, but I was only 3, so that doesn't count. Just missed the "Halloween Blizzard" of '91 when I came a week after to visit Macalester College. And I still applied early decision - what was I thinking? I've now been in the house for over 24 hours straight, and as much as I was looking forward to laying low this weekend, I am admitedly getting stir-crazy. I kind of envisioned popcorn, movies, hot chocolate. . .but it's been more like "Grumpfest 2007" with three main headliners: me, my husband and my mother. Three groups that probably shouldn't go on tour again. On the bright side, we've got plenty of food, we still have electricity and I've been in my PJs all day. That's not such a bad deal.

Getting back to the whole blog thing. I don't have a direction or theme, I'm just gonna take it as it comes and see what happens. Happy mushing!


koo' said...

oh. my. god. you said husband.

welcome back to blogoworld lovely lady.

i miss you. x

Weidenfartz said...

I would have paid good money to see "Grumpfest 2007". If there is a reunion tour, sign me up, or at least film it!!!