Thursday, March 15, 2007

Even if things get heavy, we'll all float on

Is it just me, or did the American Idols completely desecrate "Float On" in their Ford commercial? Ugh, I've got a bad taste in my mouth. I mean, I love Idol, but c'mon can we stick to the sugar pop and lay off the Modest Mouse?


Anonymous said...

wait I totally missed this. please explain.

Anonymous said...

i kind of liked it, especially when the beat box douchebag was break dancing. i love the idol. who is mighty mouse?

koo' said...

i'm a bit sad but i actually kind of enjoyed it. i wish everyone had an afro. they looked so much koolah.

Weidenfartz said...

I agree with you....not only was it idol but a Ford ad?!?! ish.